Search Results for “raw protein diet”

Showing 31-40 of 106

April 22, 2019

Study: Does salmon pose a health risk to dogs?

Everyone knows cats love fish, but these days, dogs are eating their fair share, too. Especially salmon. Salmon is an increasingly common ingredient in commercial dog food because manufacturers are looking for unconventional protein sources and they want to include more omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Salmon fits the bill on both counts. Sadly, it’s also a great source of mercury.

July 12, 2017

Survey reveals possible health risks of therapy dog programs

A recent survey suggests healthcare facilities should standardize their guidelines for safety when it comes to therapy animals. Researchers from the Tufts Institute for Human-Animal Interaction at Tufts University surveyed eldercare facilities, hospitals, and therapy animal organizations on their existing policies related to animal-assisted intervention (AAI) programs.

July 26, 2011

Studies focus on lymphoma

Two new studies from two universities show promise for the identification and treatment of lymphoma in dogs, and possibly humans.

November 28, 2010

CSU develops artificial “bleeding” tissue (with video)

In the veterinary school setting, various materials are used to simulate skin and muscle tissue in order for students to practice incisions and sutures. Practice materials have included raw chickens, rubber sheets, orange rinds and even pieces of carpet padding. Now, veterinarians from Colorado State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) have created what they hope Is the best alternative to real tissue. VTH Director Dean Henderson, DVM, DACVS, and research scientist Fausto Bellezzo, DVM, invented a type of artificial tissue that simulates sections of animal anatomy including skin, muscle, fascia and even blood. "We had been concerned that the distance between the didactic training our students received and the first live animal surgery was too great,” Hendrickson said. “We felt like we needed something that might more closely mimic normal tissue in both characteristics and the ability to ‘bleed.’”

April 27, 2018

Hoo, doggies! Why does cat poop smell so bad?

Well, the easy answer is, because it’s poop. And for years, people have explained it away with the same possible causes: diet, digestive disorders, or the presence of parasites. But what about those times when the smell is really bad? Japanese researchers discovered the answer.

July 01, 2015

Understanding animal health has human benefits, new study suggests

Modifying the genetic makeup of an organism is the stuff of science fiction. It’s also what genome engineering is all about. And scientists are using it to study the effects of human mutations introduced in other species to develop new drugs. There’s only one problem: the diseases don’t necessarily replicate. This is what a new study, published June 29, explored.

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